St. Andrew Catholic Parish in Pasadena, California has graciously agreed to process all credit card and mail donations to the St. Kizito Uganda Fund. Read the below instructions and when you hit the “donate now” button on the bottom of this page, you will be re-directed automatically to the St. Andrew Parish donation website. Just follow the instructions provided here as you enter your donor information on the St. Andrew Parish website:
To make a credit card donation: Enter the dollar amount you wish to donate and indicate if this is a one-time or periodic donation (weekly, monthly, etc). When finished, click “NEXT”.
On this next screen, click on the button “Continue as Guest” which takes you to the next screen
Enter the requested information: First Name, Last Name, email address, card number, expiration date, CVC code and ZIP
Important – on the same page, drop down to the “Gift Details: section and in the MEMO input area where it says “Add a Note to your Gift” enter: “St. Kizito Uganda Fund”. This is how the bookkeeping function will know to segregate these funds for Uganda. If you don’t do this the funds will NOT be allocated properly.
Press the Confirm button – and you’re done.
If you want to make recurring payments on an automated basis, please note that you can log in as a regular donor and set up your account using the same website page – just follow the instructions for setting up automated payments.
If you have questions, please call the St. Andrew Parish office at 626-792-4183
To mail donations by check or cash
To send a check, please make the check payable to “St. Andrew Catholic Church” and fill out the check memo line with: “St. Kizito Uganda Fund”. Send the check to: St. Andrew Catholic Church, - Pastoral Center, 140 Chestnut Street, Pasadena CA 91103
All donors will receive a year-end statement identifying their donations for tax purposes.
By sponsoring a child's education, SKCF seeks to "Help Ugandan Families Help Themselves" in their fight against illiteracy and poverty and to ensure a decent home environment for healthy living.
To mobilize all people of good will to join SKCF efforts to fight for better education, healthy families and homes, community literacy and providing basic skills that would empower women to be self-reliant.
We put much emphasis on the education of children and giving women the skills they need to live a more dignified life.
St. Kizito Uganda Fund runs a goat and pig farm as a way raising funds for the Fund locally. We also produce bananas, corn and beans for sale in case of good yield.
The Fund regularly covers all medical bills for sponsored children, especially due to malaria. We are grateful to the Rev. Sisters who run hospital for being good to us and patient with us when we are low on funds.
The St. Kizito Uganda Fund has been able to keep 245 students in school by proving tuition and school materials and medicare:
152 students in Elementary school,
79 students in High School
9 students in college
5 in the seminary
Our computer and library building was completed and a deep well (borehole) for the school was drilled with additional help from other partners, especially the Knights of Columbus.