Thank you for supporting the St. Kizito Uganda Fund

St. Andrew Catholic Parish in Pasadena, California has graciously agreed to process all credit card and mail donations to the St. Kizito Uganda Fund. Read the below instructions and when you hit the “donate now” button on the bottom of this page, you will be re-directed automatically to the St. Andrew Parish donation website. Just follow the instructions provided here as you enter your donor information on the St. Andrew Parish website:

To make a credit card donation: Enter the dollar amount you wish to donate and indicate if this is a one-time or periodic donation (weekly, monthly, etc). When finished, click “NEXT”.

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Important – on the same page, drop down to the “Gift Details: section and in the MEMO input area where it says “Add a Note to your Gift” enter: “St. Kizito Uganda Fund”. This is how the bookkeeping function will know to segregate these funds for Uganda. If you don’t do this the funds will NOT be allocated properly.

Press the Confirm button – and you’re done.

If you want to make recurring payments on an automated basis, please note that you can log in as a regular donor and set up your account using the same website page – just follow the instructions for setting up automated payments.

If you have questions, please call the St. Andrew Parish office at 626-792-4183

To mail donations by check or cash

To send a check, please make the check payable to “St. Andrew Catholic Church” and fill out the check memo line with: “St. Kizito Uganda Fund”. Send the check to: St. Andrew Catholic Church, - Pastoral Center, 140 Chestnut Street, Pasadena CA 91103

All donors will receive a year-end statement identifying their donations for tax purposes.

I can make a difference,
You can make a difference, and

Fr. Kizito Kirenga

About the Founder

I was the youngest of 12 childrenl, I was born in 1970. With our mother (RIP) bedridden for over 25 years, it was very difficult for my siblings to get an education. Many did not go beyond elementary school. The little my father (RIP) could earn was used to take care of our Mom. He did his best and I was able to complete elementary school.

I did my first and second grades at
an elementary school near our home. When in 1979 the war against Idi Amin broke out, we spent almost three years in the bush running from the battle carnage. We came back when everything, including our little house on the village, had been destroyed by the soldiers. I resumed school in 1982 and in 1986, I graduated from elementary school. My mother's condition was becoming critical then! My father could not afford to take me to high school.

At the age of 17, with financial assistance from my parish priest Fr. Augustine, I joined St. Joseph High School Seminary, Nyenga, in 1987 and graduated in 1993. In 1994, I joined St. Thomas Aquinas National Major Seminary and graduated with a Bachelor of Philosophy degree in 1997. In the same year God blessed me with a scholarship from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles to pursue my theological studies at St. John’s Seminary, Camaillo. In 2001, I graduated with M. Div. and M.A. in Moral theology. I was ordained a priest August 11. 2001 for the Archdiocese of Kampala Uganda. I served two years at Christ the King parish as an associate pastor and as a Youth Chaplain and Father In-charge of Catholic Education. From 2003 to 2009 I was a Lecturer at St. Mbaaga's Major Seminary, Ggaba, where I taught Pastoral Theology, Spiritual Theology, Homiletics, Introduction to Philosophy and Ancient Philosophy. Currently I am a National Director of Radio Maria Uganda, The one and only Catholic radio station in the nation.

Why get involved?

Why Get Involved?

St. Kizito is one of the 22 Uganda Martyrs, who at around age 13 gave his life for the Christian faith. He is the Patron saint for children in Uganda.

St. Kizito Children’s Foundation Uganda is therefore an initiative intended to reach out in love and compassion to the disadvantaged and vulnerable children, especially those of my home village, Kawango, Nkozi Parish.

Communities throughout the world that live in poverty have many of the same problems: poor educational opportunities, substance abuse, family disputes, single parent homes and unsanitary conditions. The objective of the St. Kizito Children’s Foundation is to address these problems with appropriate resources, programs and education. Already our efforts have produced very positive results in these areas, but much more needs to be done.

By sponsoring a child, St. Kizito Children’s Foundation seeks to uplift conditions of children’s families. Because children are at the heart of every family, with your support, we sensitize all family members to the importance of education. We also emphasize the need for a sanitary environment, however humble it may be, for a healthy living, such as boiling drinking water and, if possible, providing mosquito nets to combat the spread of malaria.


Helping Families Help Themselves

Misery does not only affect its victims: it also touches the mind and heart of those who are made aware of it. Naturally when you live with somebody who is suffering and unhappy, you cannot celebrate and rejoice. The presence of poverty and its demeaning effect on human dignity is a call to all of us, no matter what our faith may be, to do something. You and I may not be responsible for the suffering and misery of our brothers and sisters around the globe, but the inescapable fact is:
You and I are called to respond.
“I can make a difference, You can make a difference, and together We can make a greater difference”.

Our Vision

By sponsoring a child's education, SKCF seeks to "Help Ugandan Families Help Themselves" in their fight against illiteracy and poverty and to ensure a decent home environment for healthy living.

Our Mission

To mobilize all people of good will to join SKCF efforts to fight for better education, healthy families and homes, community literacy and providing basic skills that would empower women to be self-reliant.

Our Focus

We put much emphasis on the education of children and giving women the skills they need to live a more dignified life.

Local Projects

Water Project:

In 2016 the St. Kizito Uganda Fund was able to drill a deep well to provide the community with clean water with help of donors and friends. This first Community clean water well continues to serve the e community and is being maintained by St. Kizito Uganda Fund.

To accommodate the increasing number of people using the well especially during the dry season, we dug a second well. It's completed but it is not used yet because we do not have a submersible pump and generator. Providing clean water to the community has been a life saver!

Economic Projects

Other Economic Projects:

St. Kizito Uganda Fund runs a goat and pig farm as a way raising funds for the Fund locally. We also produce bananas, corn and beans for sale in case of good yield.

Medical Care

Medical care

The Fund regularly covers all medical bills for sponsored children, especially due to malaria. We are grateful to the Rev. Sisters who run hospital for being good to us and patient with us when we are low on funds.

Children's Sponsorship Programs

Children Sponsorship Program:

The St. Kizito Uganda Fund has been able to keep 245 students in school by proving tuition and school materials and medicare:

152 students in Elementary school,
79 students in High School
9 students in college
5 in the seminary

Holy Trinity High School

Development of Holy Trinity High School

Our computer and library building was completed and a deep well (borehole) for the school was drilled with additional help from other partners, especially the Knights of Columbus.

Five Year Plan

2020 - 2025 To Do List

  • Continued sponsorship of children
  • Buying a submersible pump and a small diesel generator ($6000) for the second clean water well to provide the community with safe water.
  • Build a six classroom block for the elementary school, to accommodate 300 students.
  • Secure a TRACTOR to help families improve on their agricultural farm produce.
  • Secure a GRAIN MILL to help add value to farm produce.
  • Power in the village. Currently we are using a small solar system to provide some lighting to the school. We need to extend power lines to the village, from a distance of about 3km (about $20,000, is needed to secure electricity poles and a transformer).
  • Set up a COMMUNITY CENTER FOR SKILL DEVELOPMENT for effective establishment and management of small businesses. In a place where families depend on subsistence farming, we hope this center will help to provide skills and information on modern methods of farming, animal husbandry, poultry farming, pig and goat farming to help improve on the economic status of families.
  • Additional courses for the youth would include: hair dressing, fashion design and tailoring, electrical installation, institutional catering and hotel management, carpentry and joinery as well as metal fabrication.